This project makes use of Open Data provided by cities and governments in Austria and provides imported data as Linked Open Data.
Currently there are features for bicycle racks, citybike stations, drinking fountains, and universities. Also, there is a common base feature which lists the items on maps.
For importing the data we have been published a <a href="http://www.drupal.org/project/odv">Open Data Vienna Drupal module</a>, which comes with content type definitions and feeds importer configurations. Content type definitions have been mapped to Schema.org vocabularies as far as possible. That way, the data is made available using RDFa or Linked Open Data.
Access to the data is provided via a RESTful web service in XML, JSON and RDF/XML formats - thus making the imported data available as linked open data.
To ease accessing the linked data there is also a Sparql endpoint.
Drupal Austria - Verein zu Förderung der OpenSource Software Drupal